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chipswsop|山东港口青岛港前港公司4月敞顶箱装车完成29066车 同比增长11.8%

2024-05-03 08:15:58

News summary

Shandong Port Qingdao Port Qiangang Company completed open-top container loading of 29066 vehicles in April, a year-on-year increase of 11chipswsop.8% Securities Times e Company NewschipswsopIn April, Shandong Port Qingdao Port Qiangang Company completed the monthly loading of 29066 open-top boxes, exceeding 29,000 vehicles for the first time, a year-on-year increase of 11.8%, setting a strong historical record...

chipswsop|山东港口青岛港前港公司4月敞顶箱装车完成29066车 同比增长11.8%

Newsletter text

Shandong Port Qingdao Port Qianport Company completed the loading of 29066 open-top boxes in April, a year-on-year increase of 11.8%. Securities Times e Company News. In April, Shandong Port Qingdao Port Qianport Company completed the monthly loading of 29066 open-top boxes, exceeding 29,000 vehicles for the first time., a year-on-year increase of 11.8%, a strong historical record.
